Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pansies for Purrsy

It has been a very sad day for my sister and brother-in-law as they said a final farewell to their beloved 19 year old Birman cat, Purrsy.

In an eerie co-incidence I was out on my front porch early this afternoon (at a time that was Wednesday morning for Purrsy) admiring how well the pansies looked. After all this is the middle of winter for us.

Rest in peace dear Purrsy. These pansies and violas will remind me of you and your lovely sister Amber for the balance of the season.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Look what came in the night

What did come in the night? And did it bring a friend? One came up the grass and the other took a short cut through the garden and emerged out from behind the boxwood. Obviously, it did not come up the front steps and ring the doorbell.

No, sorry, I know there's evidence it walked right past me but, as you'll notice, I had my eyes shut.
What was it looking for on this cold trek?

This forlorn fellow didn't see anything either.

Count the footprints - this series does not add up. And why do they suddenly stop? Where did he go, where did he go?

The holly trees always manage to maintain their dignity in the face of the white stuff that comes in the night.

And if you're looking for summer well you'll have to wait a while. The days of frolicking in the birdbath are suspended for a few months; or weeks if you're the hopeful sort.

Stay warm.

Friday, January 20, 2012

It's been a while

and I am still waiting for real inspiration to appear and pesent itself as something worth posting about.

But in the meantime, I'm wondering, if I am seeing flocks of bluebirds in my garden can happiness be far away?

A few years ago I put up a bluebird house out in the back garden. Each year I hope that this will be the year a bluebird moves in and I might have a bluebird family in the backyard. So far, that has not happened. For the past couple of years I have seen a flock of bluebirds land on the front lawn for a couple of consecutive days in spring and then I never see them again. But last week I saw a flock swopp in and land in the backyard and feast all over the cedar tree. Several days later, there they were again.

Now this is way too early to qualify as spring. So, will this be the year when the bluebirds do move into my garden? I hope so.

I get a lot of pleasure from watching the bird activity out back and they do seem particularly attracted to this cedar tree.

I'll keep you updated with the bird stories. Of course this is dependent on the birds holding still long enough for me to find my camera, quietly open the window and then take the photo. I can only try...right?